


What is Electroacupuncture?

Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture, in which a small electric current is passed through body tissues via acupuncture needles. According to some acupuncturists, this practice increases the benefits of traditional acupuncture, which has implications for restoring function to muscles and tissues, and is especially good for treating pain.

How Does it Work?

Similar to traditional acupuncture, hair-thin needles are inserted along specific points of the body related to your treatment area. A device is then connected to the acupuncture needles via small clips, and will begin emitting gentle electric pulses. Using the device, Dr. Strong will adjust the frequency and intensity of the impulse being delivered, which will depend on the condition for which you are being treated.

What to Expect:

With electroacupuncture, one or more pairs of needles can be stimulated simultaneously, usually for not longer than 30 minutes per session.

Benefits / Conditions Treated:

  • Significant improvement in pain
  • Is useful for restoring muscle function in post-operative patients
  • Is useful for restoring muscle function for injuries of all types